You will need a lawyer if you get a subpoena or other legal document, or if you and your boyfriend are considering a prenuptial agreement. Another situation: if you want to adopt a child, your child is in trouble with the law, or you and your spouse are applying for separation, divorce or cancellation. Another situation for a lawyer is if your ex wants to change or cancel child support or child support payments, or change your custody agreement. You need a lawyer if you are about to sign a contract that you do not understand or with which you disagree. Buying a home requires a lawyer or any other real estate, starting your own business, buying a franchise, and if you are threatened with eviction or foreclosure, you need a lawyer.
How would you find a lawyer?
If you run into a legal problem, first ask your friends and family if they have someone to suggest. With every highly recommended attorney, you still need to compare costs and experience as well as compatibility. Some places to start your search are in the yellow pages of your phone book. The internet is another great place to find lawyers in Singapore. Your accountant, insurance salesperson, banker, or other professional you respect may recommend a lawyer for you. Another place to look at is government agencies and agencies that are handling the subject of your legal problem. A law school alumni office is a great place to find lawyers. The Bar Association will also list the names of the attorneys.
Here are some questions to ask when choosing a lawyer
The first question to ask your lawyer is whether you will be charged for the initial consultation. Then ask your lawyer how long he has been in business. You can also ask the lawyer if his clients are mainly individuals or legal entities. You should also ask a lawyer if they can handle your case right away. Also ask what are the strengths and weaknesses of your case. The lawyer should also be able to provide you with copies of all documents and correspondence relevant to your case. You can also ask an attorney for a written estimate of all costs before he or she begins work on your case. You can also find out if you will be considering contingency payments. These are just a few ideas to ask when you need a lawyer.